What is an Unfair Competition Claim?

unfair competition claim

Are you involved in an unfair competition claim, or have you been wronged and want to file a claim? If so, you may be trying to figure out what this means to you and what you can do about it. What is Unfair Competition? From a legal perspective, unfair competition is a type of tort. A tort […]


child custody

One of the most important aspects of a divorce is figuring out who gets primary child custody. Sometimes it goes smoother than others, meaning the parents are able to create a co-parenting plan together. Other times, parents wind up going to court to involve a third-party in deciding the best course of action. We are […]

What is Real Estate Law?

real estate law

Real estate law is a service our firm currently offers. But what is real estate law? While you may be familiar with some aspects of it, there are others you may not be aware of. Here are a few things that fall under the realm of property law. Real Estate Lawyers Help Homeowners Buy Homes […]

Who Gets the House in a Divorce?


Occasionally, clients ask us who will get the house in a divorce. The short answer (that our clients don’t like to hear) is that it depends. Is the House Marital Property or Separate Property? Property that was purchased by one of the spouses while they were married is called Marital Property. It doesn’t matter if […]

What is Construction Law?


Construction law is one of our specialties here at Von Esch Law Group. Here is a high level view of some of the services we offer in that area. What is a Mechanics Lien? While the term “mechanics lien” may sound like something more related to a car shop, it actually refers to a legal […]

Who Gets Custody in a Divorce?


Wondering who gets the kids in a divorce and how it is determined? As you might imagine, a lot plays into it. First, let’s talk about the different types of custody. Joint Physical Custody, Sole Physical Custody and Legal Custody These are the three main types of custody that come out of a divorce settlement. […]

What is a Real Estate Lien?


Need to know more about a real estate lien? Here is a high level view on what they are, why they exist and how they work. What is a Property Lien? The short answer is sometimes the best. A property lien is a legal claim on property that allows the lien holder to get access […]

What is Defamation of Character?

defamation of character

One service we offer is assistance with defamation of character claims. These can be interesting – on the one hand, we live in a free country. On the other hand, people shouldn’t do a lot of damage to each other’s lives by spreading false things about them. Taking a step back, what is defamation of […]

What are Breach of Construction Agreement Claims?

breach of construction

We offer assistance with breach of construction agreement claims. This article goes into commonly asked questions surrounding these claims. What is a Breach of a Construction Contract? First, let’s talk about what it means if there is a breach of contract. Just like it sounds, this is what happens when one party doesn’t hold up […]

What Are Unreasonable Support Demands?

Every so often, we have a client come to us that is in need of a good defense lawyer to assist them with unreasonable support demands from their ex. We help our clients reach more reasonable demands that both parties can agree to. What qualifies as an unreasonable support demand? Here are a few examples […]