What is the Process of Mediation?


During a divorce, there are several methods of dispute resolution: mediation, arbitration, and litigation. An attorney is usually crucial in all forms but will play different roles for their client in each. If going through a divorce with minor children, you will likely be involved in some form of mediation, even if you choose litigation. […]

What is a Restraining Order?

restraining order

A restraining order, sometimes called a protective order, is a court order that can protect someone from being physically or sexually abused, threatened, stalked, or harassed. It imposes certain behaviors and requirements on the offender with legal consequences should the offender fail to comply. The person who obtains the restraining order is called the “protected […]

Why You Should File for Divorce First

divorce first

Many people going through a divorce are often caught off guard by the initial filing. They may have felt the issues plaguing the marriage weren’t enough to warrant a divorce, or perhaps they thought they had conducted their undesirable behavior in secrecy. Whatever reasons prompted the divorce, the spouse caught unaware is at a disadvantage. […]

Emails & Divorce – What You Need to Know

emails and divorce

The content of emails can serve as evidence in court proceedings, so take care to be judicious in who has access to your emails and how you express yourself within them. Taking the following advice into account can help you use email in a way that protects you and keeps you on the best path […]

What Are Unreasonable Support Demands?

Every so often, we have a client come to us that is in need of a good defense lawyer to assist them with unreasonable support demands from their ex. We help our clients reach more reasonable demands that both parties can agree to. What qualifies as an unreasonable support demand? Here are a few examples […]

How Long Does Getting a Divorce Take?

How long does getting a divorce take? There is not a definitive answer for everyone. A lot of factors come into play such as where you live, how quickly the pair can come to agreement on terms of the divorce, and more.  Here are a few things that affect the overall timing. How Long Does […]

Who Gets to Keep the Car in a Divorce in California?

Which person will have the privilege of keeping the family vehicle during the divorce?  Many people have difficult financial choices to make, which makes budgets extra tight. Some family members in households only have one car or use the buses to get from one place to another. When a husband and wife decide to file […]

What to Know About Divorce Laws in California

Navigating through a divorce can be a challenging and stressful procedure. There are a number of laws in the state of California that deal with divorce, and many of them can have a lot of information for you to digest. People often wonder how they can make divorce proceedings as stress-free as possible while retaining […]

Here Are 2019 Changes to Alimony Laws in California

Alimony law is often very confusing and comes with a lot of moving parts. There are a few changes in California alimony law that have come into effect for 2019 and should be taken note of. One of the biggest 2019 changes has to with spousal support. Previously, spousal support was tax deductible for the […]