Do Real Estate Investors Need an Attorney?

Are you considering investing in real estate, but wondering if real estate investors need an attorney? Or maybe you have been investing in real estate for a while and realized you have grown a lot of assets that need protection. Either way, here are a few things to keep in mind as you decide whether […]

What Does a General Counsel Lawyer Do?

“What does a general counsel lawyer do?” This question comes up sometimes when we mention that this is one of the services we offer. Even though this role tends to wear many hats, here are a few ideas of what is often done in this position.  General Counsel Lawyers Review Contracts One of the most […]

Should You Get an LLC for Your Business?

Should you get an LLC for your business? Well, that depends. Here are a few things to think about as you explore your options.  Reason #1 to Get an LLC: Legal Protection The main reason why businesses choose to file for an LLC is for legal protection. In the law’s eyes, an LLC is a […]

Do You Need a Lawyer to Buy Real Estate?

Do you really need a lawyer to buy real estate? Or is it more of a nice-to-have? This isn’t a black and white answer, but first let’s start with the high level view.  Do You Need an Attorney to Buy Real Estate? The short answer is that it depends. Some states require you to have […]

What is Property and Business Division?

In a divorce, what is property and business division? At a high level, it’s just like it sounds. It refers to how much of a couple’s property is divided between the two parties, as well as how a business is divided. This can be tricky though, as there are a number of factors that go […]

What is a Marital Standards of Living Assessment?

The marital standard of living (often referred to as MSOL) is essentially a measure of the lifestyle enjoyed by a couple during marriage. It is most often used during a divorce case to help determine how much support one party should pay the other.  Several things go into this evaluation. Marital Standard of Living Assessment: […]

What is the Americans with Disabilities Act?

What is the Americans with Disabilities Act? There’s a lot we can say about it, but this article will keep things brief and high level. We’ll talk about three main things: what the act is, who enforces it, and what it means to you.  What is the American Disabilities Act? Often referred to as ADA, […]

Is a Purchase Order a Legal Contract?

The world of purchase orders and contracts can be a bit confusing sometimes. We’ve put together a short article outlining the similarities and differences between the two to help you sort them out.  Purchase Order and Contracts Basics Let’s start by talking about each of these documents. A purchase order is a document from a […]

Do You Need a Lawyer to Review Contracts?

Do you really need a lawyer to review contracts? After all, you’re a smart person and can read it yourself, right? Why spend the money to have an attorney double-check it to make sure everything is aligned?  The short answer is this: by hiring a lawyer, you spend a small amount of money now to […]

Child Custody 101 – The Different Types of Custody

This Child Custody 101 article was crafted for one thing – to help simplify a complex subject. By the time you’re done reading this article, you’ll have a better understanding of the terminology often used when referring to the subject.  Legal Custody vs. Physical Custody This is a big one, so let’s start with it. […]