Avoiding a Breach of Contract

If you are starting or buying a small business, you should know a thing or two about contracts. A contract is an agreement between two or more parties, creating an obligation for a specific task. Every contract must have parties to it, terms, a commencement date, obligations and repercussions in the event of breach. A contract is formed when […]

What a Work Injury Lawyer can do for You

It is a very tough situation to be in if you are injured. It is even worse when your employer is not willing to pay a compensation to bargain for the injury. The situation is a grim one as you will not get your salary because you are not working plus additional expenses to cure […]

When do you need a Construction Accident Attorney

If there is any job that conceals a minefield of danger and risk, it’s construction work. Every year, thousands are seriously injured or killed in construction accidents on construction sites. And while many precautions have been put into place to protect workers, construction accidents continue to be the number one cause of job-related deaths in […]

Labor Law in California

Despite a positive economic outlook, California employers continue to find their footing in this slippery and unpredictable economy. Labor law in California differs greatly, and is significantly more complex, than most federal regulations, thereby placing California employers at an even greater risk of being sued for employment violations.