What is a Marital Standards of Living Assessment?

The marital standard of living (often referred to as MSOL) is essentially a measure of the lifestyle enjoyed by a couple during marriage. It is most often used during a divorce case to help determine how much support one party should pay the other.  Several things go into this evaluation. Marital Standard of Living Assessment: […]

Spousal Support 101 – The Basics

What is spousal support? How is it determined? This article explains what it is, how it’s calculated, how long it lasts and more.  What is Spousal Support? You’ll often hear spousal support and alimony used interchangeably. That’s because they are essentially the same thing. They are both payments for the support of an ex-spouse ordered by […]

Here Are 2019 Changes to Alimony Laws in California

Alimony law is often very confusing and comes with a lot of moving parts. There are a few changes in California alimony law that have come into effect for 2019 and should be taken note of. One of the biggest 2019 changes has to with spousal support. Previously, spousal support was tax deductible for the […]

This is Why the Date of Separation is Important in California

Most people might not think it really matters when they separate from their spouse. However, the date of separation can play a big role in divorce proceedings, particularly when it comes to finances. Officially, a date of separation is when a spouse decides they do not want to continue with a marriage. Separation comes into […]

5 Things to Know About Spousal Support in California

Alimony is always a contentious subject to navigate, especially when it is in the context of a divorce. Most people understand the basics behind alimony, where a higher-earning spouse makes regular payments to the other partner, but there are still a lot of misconceptions about alimony and its presence in divorce proceedings. Our experienced attorneys […]

Tips on Preparing to Divide Your Marital Assets in a Divorce

There are a lot of decisions that you will need to make after getting a divorce. Your whole life may end up changing completely, your world will turn upside down. There is also the issues of who gets custody of your children, deciding whether your spouse will get alimony after the divorce, and thinking about […]

Alimony Laws in California

The State Laws in California, which relate to the alimony legislations affect the decisions of both spouses in a marriage. How the couple will deal with the case, the complexity and length of the case, and settlements can turn a simple divorce case into a very complicated legal battle with no end. These factors are […]