How do I Change My Name or My Child’s Name

Wondering how to change your name? Or maybe you’ve decided to change your child’s legal name? The good news is these processes are not too difficult, and we can help you with both. However, keep in mind there are a few differences between changing your own name as an adult and changing your child’s name. […]

Here Are 5 Reasons Why You Should Have a Lawyer Review Your Contracts

Being a business owner comes with a lot of work and you will have to review and look through a lot of paperwork that comes across your desk. Part of the process for businesses is signing contracts and agreements with other people or companies who you want to work with. Flipping through these documents can […]

7 Tips to Get Your Family Through a Divorce

Often times divorce does not only affect the two spouses involved. Even if you did not intend for it, many times your family will be dragged into the discussions, consequences and decisions. Whether your kids are younger or older, divorce can still be hard on everyone included. Even the pets can be affected by divorce! […]

5 Ways For Businesses to Avoid Legal Issues

Starting a small business is difficult enough as is without any legal potholes or problems. As a small business owner you have enough to worry about, and you don’t want to be stressing out about business law. We can help your business stand on its own two feet, make sure it’s legally protected and offer […]

Top 6 Myths About Divorce

Divorce is a difficult situation for all parties involved because it can take time, money and an emotional toll. Divorce can get especially complicated if there are children involved and custody becomes an issue as well. If you or a family member is going through a divorce make sure to take note of these myths […]