Pro and Cons of Signing A Prenuptial Agreement

Nearly one million divorces happen every year in the US. According to a survey carried out by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers in 2010, three out of 4 lawyers said there was an increase in the demand for prenuptial agreements over a period of five years. A prenuptial agreement is a contract that a […]

What is a Child Custody Agreement?

Families that have everything planned out for them and are living the good life with their kids together under one roof feel that they may never need to learn about custody agreements and visitation schedules. But the issue is that these divorce is real and can happen to your family. One thing spouses always need […]

How Does Age Play a Role in Child Custody Cases?

Parents dealing with child custody issues oftentimes wonder if the court takes age into consideration when deciding. Here is a break down of child custody rules by age. Age 0-2 When it comes to infants and toddlers in this age group, the separation time from both parents should be very small. This will help reduce […]

Which Significant Other Usually Instigates Domestic Violence?

Studies show, on average, nearly twenty people per minute are physically abused by a significant other in the United States. Intimate partner violence accounts for 15% of all violent crime. This annually equates to more than ten million women and men.

Guide to California’s Child Support Laws

What is the purpose of child support laws? The California Family Code 4053 lays out this answer pretty well. This code teaches that the parent’s first and most important obligation is to support their child. This obligation is mutual and based on ability, a mother and father’s income and time with the child should be […]

6 Early Signs of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is an incredibly serious issue that in no way should be taken lightly. Some individuals can spot it early on and aren’t sure how to handle things, while others may never have seen it coming. At Von Esch Law we take domestic violence very seriously, which is why we work closely with the […]

Top 6 Myths About Divorce

Divorce is a difficult situation for all parties involved because it can take time, money and an emotional toll. Divorce can get especially complicated if there are children involved and custody becomes an issue as well. If you or a family member is going through a divorce make sure to take note of these myths […]

4 Ways to Protect Your Children During a Divorce

A divorce is difficult for any family, especially when there are children involved. Family law can be a difficult subject which is why you want the best attorney who understands your situation and can be sensitive to your family’s needs. Our attorneys are experienced and knowledgeable about the intricacies of family law cases and can […]

The Possible Outcomes of a Child Custody Case

In the instance of a divorce, the most important decision to be made is the decision regarding the child’s future. In a child custody case, there are five different kinds of child custody decisions that can be awarded by the court, divided into two categories: legal custody and physical custody. Each of these results in […]

6 Answers to the Most Commonly Asked Questions About Divorce

No one imagines a future divorce while they are walking down the aisle. If and when it becomes apparent that a divorce is imperative, it can come as a shock to both parties involved. If you find yourself lost in this situation, simplify a bit of the process and read these answers to six of […]