What is the Process of Mediation?


During a divorce, there are several methods of dispute resolution: mediation, arbitration, and litigation. An attorney is usually crucial in all forms but will play different roles for their client in each. If going through a divorce with minor children, you will likely be involved in some form of mediation, even if you choose litigation. […]

Do I Still Get Alimony if My Spouse Goes Bankrupt?


When a spouse has declared bankruptcy they have entered a legal status saying they are unable to pay their creditors. Alimony is a legally mandated payment from one spouse to another. The other spouse might worry that bankruptcy would affect alimony payment. This is not the case, but there are still some elements you must […]

What is a Restraining Order?

restraining order

A restraining order, sometimes called a protective order, is a court order that can protect someone from being physically or sexually abused, threatened, stalked, or harassed. It imposes certain behaviors and requirements on the offender with legal consequences should the offender fail to comply. The person who obtains the restraining order is called the “protected […]

Why You Should File for Divorce First

divorce first

Many people going through a divorce are often caught off guard by the initial filing. They may have felt the issues plaguing the marriage weren’t enough to warrant a divorce, or perhaps they thought they had conducted their undesirable behavior in secrecy. Whatever reasons prompted the divorce, the spouse caught unaware is at a disadvantage. […]

Emails & Divorce – What You Need to Know

emails and divorce

The content of emails can serve as evidence in court proceedings, so take care to be judicious in who has access to your emails and how you express yourself within them. Taking the following advice into account can help you use email in a way that protects you and keeps you on the best path […]

What is Property and Business Division?

In a divorce, what is property and business division? At a high level, it’s just like it sounds. It refers to how much of a couple’s property is divided between the two parties, as well as how a business is divided. This can be tricky though, as there are a number of factors that go […]

How Long Does Getting a Divorce Take?

How long does getting a divorce take? There is not a definitive answer for everyone. A lot of factors come into play such as where you live, how quickly the pair can come to agreement on terms of the divorce, and more.  Here are a few things that affect the overall timing. How Long Does […]

Do Children Have Rights in California Child Custody Cases?

Nobody gets married thinking it will end in divorce. That unfortunately usually becomes the result. A break up in marriage is a rough time for everyone who is part of the family, specifically the kids. Both parents contribute to the benefits of their kid. When the mom or dad might be the top person to […]

6 Answers to the Most Commonly Asked Questions About Divorce

No one imagines a future divorce while they are walking down the aisle. If and when it becomes apparent that a divorce is imperative, it can come as a shock to both parties involved. If you find yourself lost in this situation, simplify a bit of the process and read these answers to six of […]