Do You Need a Lawyer to Buy Real Estate?

Do you really need a lawyer to buy real estate? Or is it more of a nice-to-have? This isn’t a black and white answer, but first let’s start with the high level view.  Do You Need an Attorney to Buy Real Estate? The short answer is that it depends. Some states require you to have […]

Do You Need a Lawyer to Review Contracts?

Do you really need a lawyer to review contracts? After all, you’re a smart person and can read it yourself, right? Why spend the money to have an attorney double-check it to make sure everything is aligned?  The short answer is this: by hiring a lawyer, you spend a small amount of money now to […]

Why You Need a Lawyer to Prepare and Review Your Contract

Drafting a Legally Binding Agreement A contract or legally binding could be verbal or on paper, but the most significant contracts are those that are signed by parties of two or more. Legally binding agreements are the core of your business and may be basic or sophisticated. Some instances of contracts include employment contracts, sales agreements, […]

Here Are 5 Reasons Why You Should Have a Lawyer Review Your Contracts

Being a business owner comes with a lot of work and you will have to review and look through a lot of paperwork that comes across your desk. Part of the process for businesses is signing contracts and agreements with other people or companies who you want to work with. Flipping through these documents can […]

What You Need to Know About Fraud in California

Fraud is something that can get anyone tangled up. Most fraud cases do not come at the hands of random people or strangers, but occur through someone who was trusted and then got swindled. This is a big issue because people who are victims can quickly become embarrassed and unwilling to share what happened to […]