Do I Still Get Alimony if My Spouse Goes Bankrupt?


When a spouse has declared bankruptcy they have entered a legal status saying they are unable to pay their creditors. Alimony is a legally mandated payment from one spouse to another. The other spouse might worry that bankruptcy would affect alimony payment. This is not the case, but there are still some elements you must […]

This is How Alimony is Determined in California in 2019

Spousal support or alimony during a divorce is one of the most difficult things to go through. California couples need to agree who will pay money to whom and whether a spouse is going to support the other. What is the point of having alimony is California? This is designed to assist the spouse who […]

Here Are 2019 Changes to Alimony Laws in California

Alimony law is often very confusing and comes with a lot of moving parts. There are a few changes in California alimony law that have come into effect for 2019 and should be taken note of. One of the biggest 2019 changes has to with spousal support. Previously, spousal support was tax deductible for the […]