Parental Leave Expands for California Employees

California employees with blossoming families got an extra bit of good news this month. On October 12 of this year, Governor Jerry Brown signed a new law expanding the California’s leave of absence rules so that more workers can spend time and bond with their newborn babies. This law will take effect January 2018 and […]

Which Significant Other Usually Instigates Domestic Violence?

Studies show, on average, nearly twenty people per minute are physically abused by a significant other in the United States. Intimate partner violence accounts for 15% of all violent crime. This annually equates to more than ten million women and men.

Guide to California’s Child Support Laws

What is the purpose of child support laws? The California Family Code 4053 lays out this answer pretty well. This code teaches that the parent’s first and most important obligation is to support their child. This obligation is mutual and based on ability, a mother and father’s income and time with the child should be […]

What are California’s Disability Discrimination Laws?

The topic of disability and what can be done to make accommodations for disability at work can sometimes be unclear. California employment law offers a wide range of legal protection for employees who can establish a valid claim for disability discrimination in the workplace. But what constitutes as disability discrimination in the state of California?

4 Reasons To Start A Business Today

Everyone wants more money, but hardly anyone is willing to start a business of their own to get it. The fact of the matter is, the biggest earners in the world are no longer the kings and sultans (with some exceptions) but from businessmen and businesswomen who were willing to risk it all. The funny […]

5 Ways To Make The Best Of A Divorce

It seems like couples everywhere are calling it quits and ending marriages in divorce at an alarming rate. Thinking about the divorce of loved ones, or yourself, elicits a sense of pity, remorse, and even fear. The stigma of divorce can be even scarier than the actual process, preventing many couples from taking the steps […]

6 Apps To Help Your Business Legally

Thankfully for startups everywhere, a pen and paper are not our only resources anymore! There are hundreds of gadgets, services and applications to assist your business and improve productivity. Whether you’re a new business, or you have been around for a while, trying to maneuver through the legal aspect of your business can often be […]

7 Tips to Get Your Family Through a Divorce

Often times divorce does not only affect the two spouses involved. Even if you did not intend for it, many times your family will be dragged into the discussions, consequences and decisions. Whether your kids are younger or older, divorce can still be hard on everyone included. Even the pets can be affected by divorce! […]

Why is Spousal Support So Important?

Spousal support is a term that you typically will only hear if you’re going through a divorce or about to start the proceedings. Most people know it as “alimony.” The terms mean the same thing, and the topic is very important both during and after a divorce.

3 Ways to Keep Your Child Custody Case Civil

Child custody cases can be some of the most trying times of an adults’ life, but often times it’s much harder for your children. When entering into mediations, it’s important to remember why you want to be with your kids, and take an honest look at whether this is going to benefit the children or […]