What is the Americans with Disabilities Act?

What is the Americans with Disabilities Act? There’s a lot we can say about it, but this article will keep things brief and high level. We’ll talk about three main things: what the act is, who enforces it, and what it means to you.  What is the American Disabilities Act? Often referred to as ADA, […]

Is a Purchase Order a Legal Contract?

The world of purchase orders and contracts can be a bit confusing sometimes. We’ve put together a short article outlining the similarities and differences between the two to help you sort them out.  Purchase Order and Contracts Basics Let’s start by talking about each of these documents. A purchase order is a document from a […]

The Most Important Parts of a Business Plan

After working with a lot of clients over the years, we’ve determined the most important parts of a business plan. Even though it’s important the whole thing is done well, here are the areas we recommend spending a little extra time on.  Executive Summary This is commonly accepted as the most important part of a […]

6 Apps To Help Your Business Legally

Thankfully for startups everywhere, a pen and paper are not our only resources anymore! There are hundreds of gadgets, services and applications to assist your business and improve productivity. Whether you’re a new business, or you have been around for a while, trying to maneuver through the legal aspect of your business can often be […]

5 Ways For Businesses to Avoid Legal Issues

Starting a small business is difficult enough as is without any legal potholes or problems. As a small business owner you have enough to worry about, and you don’t want to be stressing out about business law. We can help your business stand on its own two feet, make sure it’s legally protected and offer […]

6 Rules of Thumb to Follow for New Businesses

Starting a new business is bold and brave but can also be a little scary at times. You are venturing into new territory and putting yourself and your belongings on the line to follow your dreams and put faith in what you think will succeed. Although we could explain on a very complex legal platform […]

The Pros and Cons of Starting a Business

Owning a small business is part of the American Dream for a reason. The flexibility and control that come with having a company are often thought to overshadow any negatives that arise. However, there are always cons that must be considered. Read below to learn the major pros and cons of of starting a business, […]

4 Business Laws for Startups

If you are an entrepreneur or small business owner the business laws/rules you’ll have to follow are certainly different that some of the bigger corporations. Sometimes this can be a good thing because you have a little more wiggle room, but sometimes it means you also need to pay a little more attention to detail. […]