What is a Marital Standards of Living Assessment?

The marital standard of living (often referred to as MSOL) is essentially a measure of the lifestyle enjoyed by a couple during marriage. It is most often used during a divorce case to help determine how much support one party should pay the other.  Several things go into this evaluation. Marital Standard of Living Assessment: […]

How do I Change My Name or My Child’s Name

Wondering how to change your name? Or maybe you’ve decided to change your child’s legal name? The good news is these processes are not too difficult, and we can help you with both. However, keep in mind there are a few differences between changing your own name as an adult and changing your child’s name. […]

Child Custody 101 – The Different Types of Custody

This Child Custody 101 article was crafted for one thing – to help simplify a complex subject. By the time you’re done reading this article, you’ll have a better understanding of the terminology often used when referring to the subject.  Legal Custody vs. Physical Custody This is a big one, so let’s start with it. […]

Here Are 5 Reasons Why You Should Have a Lawyer Review Your Contracts

Being a business owner comes with a lot of work and you will have to review and look through a lot of paperwork that comes across your desk. Part of the process for businesses is signing contracts and agreements with other people or companies who you want to work with. Flipping through these documents can […]

Top 6 Myths About Divorce

Divorce is a difficult situation for all parties involved because it can take time, money and an emotional toll. Divorce can get especially complicated if there are children involved and custody becomes an issue as well. If you or a family member is going through a divorce make sure to take note of these myths […]

4 Ways to Protect Your Children During a Divorce

A divorce is difficult for any family, especially when there are children involved. Family law can be a difficult subject which is why you want the best attorney who understands your situation and can be sensitive to your family’s needs. Our attorneys are experienced and knowledgeable about the intricacies of family law cases and can […]