4 Ways to Protect Yourself From Business Fraud

Every company is susceptible to fraud. This is largely because there are so many different kinds of fraud. Cybercriminals adapt their ways almost as quickly as cyber security firms make new products and services. It is almost impossible to protect against every type of attack. 1. Secure Your Accounts Have you not made a different […]

Here Are Child Abuse Laws in California

If you’re a parent, you have most likely wondered at some point or another the things that exactly constitutes child abuse. Knowing the kinds of physical contact are acceptable could be very difficult to determine. It used to be that the parent who felt that their child needed a beating with a belt was not […]

Workplace Pregnancy Protection Laws in California

California law brings significant protection for pregnant employees.  In addition to prohibiting discrimination or harassment in regards to pregnancy status, the law California requires an employer to allow an employee disabled by childbirth, pregnancy or related medical conditions to take a leave of absence and to maintain her health insurance during the pregnancy leave.  It […]

This is How Alimony is Determined in California in 2019

Spousal support or alimony during a divorce is one of the most difficult things to go through. California couples need to agree who will pay money to whom and whether a spouse is going to support the other. What is the point of having alimony is California? This is designed to assist the spouse who […]

Here’s A Basic Understanding of Workers Compensation Laws in California

To help both the workers and the rights of a business, laws about workers compensation was developed by the state of California. The business needs to bring workers’ compensation benefits. It should matter who is at fault. The work will give up the right to take the business to court. Workers compensation keeps the worker […]

What to Know About Divorce Laws in California

Navigating through a divorce can be a challenging and stressful procedure. There are a number of laws in the state of California that deal with divorce, and many of them can have a lot of information for you to digest. People often wonder how they can make divorce proceedings as stress-free as possible while retaining […]

Facts About Maternity Leave in California

Many people find maternity leave to be complicated and challenging. Even if the laws and regulations seem daunting, it’s easy to become well-educated on the topic and gain a strong understanding about your rights and privileges as part of maternity leave. Maternity leave in the state of California is much better than most other states […]

Learn 7 Steps to Avoid Business Fraud

All businesses should take the time to mitigate any risks of fraud. Smaller and mid-sized operations are vulnerable to business fraud, and the after effects can be devastating for everyone involved. Business fraud usually falls into three different categories: theft, financial statement fraud, and asset misuse. The vast majority of business fraud schemes are related […]

Here Are 2019 Changes to Alimony Laws in California

Alimony law is often very confusing and comes with a lot of moving parts. There are a few changes in California alimony law that have come into effect for 2019 and should be taken note of. One of the biggest 2019 changes has to with spousal support. Previously, spousal support was tax deductible for the […]

This New California Law That Changes Pet Custody Options

Getting a divorce is a difficult situation for everyone involved, especially if two partners have children who are in the middle of the divorce process. Many people also have pets that are considered a member of the family, but their circumstances can be drastically different in the event of a divorce. Traditionally, pets are viewed […]